AMS | Simplifying Complexity

Solutions for complex workforce management and insurance policy management

Leading New Zealand Software Solutions

AMS specialises in making highly complex and regulated environments – really simple.  It works with some of New Zealand's largest organisations across the private and public sector.   AMS has deep expertise. In Insurance Policy Management with support and service provision. In Workforce Management – including payroll, rosters and core HR in the cloud. 

AMS software has been successfully used by tens of thousands of New Zealanders, making millions of transactions for over forty years. In quietly serving the operational back-office AMS is probably the most successful NZ software company you’ve never heard of.   It’s time you did. 

AMS works with some of New Zealand's largest organisations across the private and public sector.

Chubb AIA Te Toka Tumai Auckland nib MPI Te Whatu Ora Hawke's Bay Te Whatu Ora Waitematā Open Polytechnic Te Pūkenga Te Whatu Ora - Nelson Marlborough Braemar Hosptal Te Whatu Ora Capital, Coast and Hutt Valley Te Whatu Ora Waitaha Canterbury Electoral Commission Presbyterian Support Auckland Radiology