
The role of both local and central Government in meeting the needs of New Zealand citizens grows more and more complex
Overview 0

Providing access to efficient services, as and when they are needed, becomes paramount

Overview 1

How can government departments ensure ongoing compliance and accuracy in dealing with their diverse workforce?

Overview 2

Providing services across departments and agencies, sharing resources and gaining benefits from standardisation

Overview 3

As citizens expect frictionless digital experience, local councils must reinvent their service delivery

Embracing and moving with a digital nation

As we move away from a 9-5 world, become more diverse as a nation, and embrace more flexible ways of working and living, the expectation is that our government services grow more flexible with us – and embrace digital transformation to power new methods of service delivery.

With citizen expectations growing, how do the multiple branches of local and central government cope with the demands these modern expectations place on the services they provide, and the people who provide them?

Digital Government

A government sector that improves the lives of all New Zealanders

While we love technology, it’s people who deliver the services and solutions that help the public across the country. Engaging the workforce, managing their needs and giving them confidence with accuracy and automation from a Cloud workforce solution removes barriers and allows them to get on with their work in serving their town, city, region or the nation.

Driving change with the empowered Government workforce

Digital transformation has arrived.  Workforce expectations of their employer have changed and delivery of services though the public sector are changing.  The public sector is looking at better ways of working, shared services and outsourcing; driven by the desire to focus on their core business as well as supporting the greater fluidity of the workforce across agencies. Public sector employers recognise the value to their workforce of accurate pays, efficient workforce processes, data security and access wherever they are working; they want to lead change for their people, whilst being in safe hands.     

Creating positive change

When the workforce is free to focus on what’s important, great things happen. Being free to focus on their work is essential to meet the changing demands of the population and to embrace the promise of digital transformation in helping our country thrive and flourish.

Investment in a workforce management platform across local and central government would deliver benefits at many levels across the sector, from driving efficiencies, to better deliver services and understand the skills of the public sector workforce in meeting the needs of the New Zealand public today and into the future.

Case Studies

We can talk about ourselves for a long time but the real proof is in the great organisations who use our products, so take a moment to read what they have to say!

View Case Studies




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AMS Pulse

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